In my podcast A Smaller Life, I talk to makers and business owners in my industry (and sometimes beyond) about making conscious choices and growing your brand by actually going smaller.
In this episode, you’ll hear from Solveig Petch aka Petchy
Petchy is a brand strategist and identity designer. And as we are working on branding as topic in our Building Better Businesses Circle I thought it was a good idea to talk with another expert on why it is important that small businesses spend some time learning about and working on their branding.
"If someone steals one of my ideas, then okay, but they're not me so they're not going to be able to execute it in the same way that I will. And is that is there really such a thing as an original idea anyways? Like how can you know that someone else somewhere out in the world has already thought of your genius idea? Because chances are that someone else is already doing what you're doing. Yeah anyways, but you're always going to have your unique spin on things. Anybody can copy you."
I had an amazing conversation with Petchy, we cover that money isn't dirty, that female (identifying) business owners tent to want to work from a caring position sometimes forgetting the selling and money bits. We talk about stealing original ideas and having a generous outlook on things. And making money as a purpose driven brand and sustaining our own lives and having some money left to do good in the world.
"Especially as a female business owner, I see a lot of my fellow female business owners come from a place of, of wanting to help, you know, we want to help someone we don't want to exploit anyone, we want to be good kind people and so we end up exploiting ourselves instead. We don't charge enough for for our services or for our products. We end up with burnout, which trust me, you don't want to go there. I think you can absolutely be a purpose driven brand and still want to make money because we run businesses. We're not charities, if we were charities, then we would be charities and we do our charity things. We are businesses and we need to make a living for ourselves. We deserve to make a decent living for ourselves."
This episode is particularly interesting for creative small business owners but if you are a crafter by hobby or passion, this will give you some insights in the 'behind the scenes' of some of your favorite yarn and fabric shops and what things they deal with to offer you their amazing products.
"You can't decide what your brand is 100% You can never control your brand 100% Because your brand is what other people think about you. It's other people's perceptions of your brand. So you can only really try to steer people's opinions of your brand in the right direction and the direction that you want it to go. So you already have a brand and now it's your job to mold it and shape it and make sure that people's perceptions of it align with how you want to be perceived."
Find Petchy on her website and instagram.
Find her free BRANDING CHECKLIST here!
Especially for A Smaller Life audience
Petchy has some GREAT OFFERS
- Petchy's Framework (72 page workbook, €50,-) is usually only available to her clients or as an optional add-on. For the A Smaller Life listeners, she's offering the direct checkout link here.
- If you book before the end of April you can get 10% off a Brand it! power hour (€250) and then you can also get the Framework with 20% discount. Use discount code SASKIA10 here
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