#52 - KIM WITTEN: Yarn Over-thinking, create succes with the help of coaching, mentoring and craft

My coach, Kim Witten, teaches us the difference between coaching, mentoring and therapy. Then, we move on to topics such as the struggle we creatives have balancing structure and freedom (for our craft), and also have an enlightening conversation about “imposter syndrome”. Or should we call it something else? Kim shares a comforting perspective and cites the two psychologists who coined the term in the 1970’s.

Enjoy this incredible conversation with Kim Witten, transformational coach, for the first episode of A Smaller Life in the new year.

Funny side note, Kim talks about not overthinking and while I never usually do, somehow this time I did some crazy overthinking around the title of this episode. I think I made about 15 versions LOL.... There is always more to learn. Self coaching being one of those things. 



Kim Witten

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  1. The differences between a coach, a mentor, and a therapist are explained.
  2. Everyone needs people in their life to help them succeed.
  3. The structure for your week or your day looks different for everyone.
  4. You should have a planning system that works for you and is not overwhelming.
  5. We might be diagnosing ourselves with “imposter syndrome” when really, the rest of the world should be diagnosed instead, and we should make more room for all sorts of people, creatives included.
  6. Sometimes with just a change in perspective, we can open up a world of possibilities for ourselves and/or our mission. 


“It is so much and they have this head full of creativity and ideas, and they know that they need to write this newsletter, and they know that they have to do this work around their brand, but it’s just so much. And then when you sometimes [say to them] ‘well, you can make a plan and you can have something that you can refer to and use as an anchor.’ but then creatives say, ‘I don’t want a plan, that’s too restrictive. I’m creative, I want to feel, I want to be in the present moment. That’s one part of it. The other part is “I can’t have a plan. It’s too much. I don’t have time. Whenever I go into the studio, I just do whatever’s in front of me because I need to do this, this, this, this, and this. But– we need a plan, don’t we? Do we?.....[Kim] ‘We need a plan that’s the right size and the right shape for us. Some of us need more structure, some less. Nobody needs none. (We all need structure.)"






Subscribe to Kim’s Newsletter at www.witten.kim/subscribe,

Kim is offering some great FREE goodies for A Smaller Life listeners!


This episode will offer you insights in if you are in need of some transformational coaching and/or some practical mentoring around you, your business and your offer. If you want to work 1:1 or in a small group. Where are you on your journey and what fits you? 

Get information on the next cohort of our Building Better Businesses Circle HERE






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