Nederlandse tekst onderin.
Anna Bauer was going to come to Ja, Wol to talk about and teach the amazing Hönsestrikk method that originated in Denmark in the seventies and that Anna has transformed into a modern day knitting genre that practically ticks every box of things I love about knitting.
the Swedish book has been translated and can be found under the name Alterknit Rebellion; radical patterns for creative knitters.
Find it here.

You will wake up in the night and know me like a running water
Anna is a woman close to my heart, that edgeness of the once punk turned textile artist and... she's Swedish. So yeah, så fantastisk!!
Listen to the podcast and find her here: and as @annabauergbg on instagram
Anna has generously sent me a copy of her knit zine Smörhönan, it's so cool and mixes a lot of wit, fun, sass and knitting. If you want to win it, click te button on the side of the page and record what the message is you'd want to knit into your Hönsestrikk project and what symbols you'd use.
Click and Become a Patron!
This is a smaller life podcast about making more conscious and more ethical choices within our crafts. Hosted by me Saskia de Feijter. I'm a small business owner who wants to grow by going smaller. Together with local makers, I make tools, yarns and accessories for knitters that want to buy less,
buy better,
make more and make it last, keeping away the overwhelm, and all the ridiculousness of over consuming within our crafts. In the podcast, I endeavor to answer the question we ask ourselves before we start a project, what do we buy? Where do we buy? Who do we buy from? Or don't we buy it all, but use what we already have? Because when you think about what you do, you take more time and end up with less of everything. As a result, you'll get a smaller life. In this episode, we'll welcome Anna power to the podcast. Anna is a textile artist from Sweden, and she has such a fun and colorful way of looking at things and doing things. She started to become a little bit obsessed by hensel Strick, a kind of wave and knitting that was really popular in the 70s in Denmark, and focused on it and worked with it and design patterns. And she's made multiple books with the theme, one of which is actually translated into English. Her books are so fun, they're inclusive in the models that she uses, the sizes that she uses. The idea of Hansa streak is basically all the elements of what I think the power of knitting is come together. It's political. It's green. It's conscious. It's fun. Please have a listen to this awesome interview.
Har du vatten? Jag har vatten. Okay, I've practiced something. Let me see if I can say it. Hey, Anna tack så mycket for att da va på hoven. Is that right? Or is it wrong?
for hoven?
Yeah, the show? Or do you say differently for thank you so much for being on the show? What would you say?
tack så mycket för att du mett på poden
Ah, okay. Okay. Well, thank you so much for being here. I'm really excited. And also, always a little bit nervous. Are you nervous?
No. Maybe a little bit.
Okay, so, um, I was thinking, How did I didn't actually meet you? How did I see your things if it was probably Instagram. And I think I was following the hashtag, color work. And then I saw a post and it was so colorful, and so fun. I was hooked. I thought this is my thing. And then I looked into it. And there you were with your book. I think it was the ultimate rebellion at that time. Or maybe the Swedish version of hence a streak forever. Yeah. And then I thought, she does all the things that I love about knitting, and I need to meet this woman. But let's start at the beginning. You are in textile artists, yes. And like textile is your main material you work with. So you're an artist? And would you say textile artists? Or like is it broader than just? How would you describe your work?
I am used to call me a textile artist because I mostly work in textile. But it's not only knitting it's like embroidery and costume for film and theater and some printing stuff like that.
Yeah. So and how did you how did you become one? How does one become a textile artist?
have always like, make my own clothes since I was a kid. And it was like really badly done. So I decided I want to learn how to make proper patterns. And as you sew, I went to school for that. And then I also took years education in theatrical costume and historical costumes. But in that time, I wanted to be like a fashion designer. I went to law school in Denmark. But I realized so not vashon is not for me. It's too like too fast and too, too cool and too. So so I am went schooling Gothenborg called home decor. And then I took an education in textile art.
Aha. And that school in Gothenburg? was it? Was it focused on the art part of textiles? and not the fashion kind? Yeah, yeah, it was more of a free art set. And then you focus on textile arts. Yeah.
Yeah. So tell me At what age were you when you did the education?
Around 25? I think.
And so you've always been working in the textile arts? Can you give me some examples of things that you did when you first graduated? And what kind of things you're doing now?
I had to have a proper job in a shop for some years selling fabrics and cotton, thin, you know, pillow, some textiles? Yeah, it was textiles, mostly. Then I tried to have so much exhibitions I could get in different places and different people. And then I get my studio at area in Gothenburg, called Konstepidemin is an old epidemic hospital with like 100 or 30. Artists in different materials and so on. And at the time, I was started in a group, we do a creative workshop with kids in art. So that became an extra thing for me and an extra line of income. Yeah. And I learned so much, because this group has been doing that for 30 years, and some some of their members, they have so much experience. And it was really good to learn how to, like set up things and how to meet kids in a good way. And
it sounds so fun to be in such a creative environment with so many artists. Did you have any good parties?
It sounds like it would be a party crowd. But not while you were working with kids? Obviously. No, no. Were you like a party type of students?
So was it always like your calling? And does it still feel like this is you you are just almost sewn into the fabric? Or do you sometimes think, no, I want to try something else.
Sometimes I feel like I should change material and try food or, or painting or something. But
text is very versatile, though.
So you have always more things to learn and more more things to discover. So
yes, and so I found you on Instagram. And the thing I saw from you. And the thing that I think at least in the in the knitting community that you are known for right now is the Let me see if I can pronounce it right. 200 cystic, yeah. Yeah. And I am dying to know more about it. Let me try to describe it from my point of view. And then I would love to hear how you got into it and a little bit more about the history. So when you see a piece that's knitted in this particular it's not a technique The technique is color work, but it's very bright colors. symbols are used images of everything. I've seen, fellas, symbols, I've seen peace signs. I've seen cherries. It's so colorful. It's so fun. And please tell me a little bit more about it.
Yeah, it is an knitting style from Denmark. And the person who invented it was Kristen Hofstetter, a lady who was very into politics and women's
feminism. Yeah.
Yeah. At the time in the in the early 70s. But he was on on a vacation in Czechoslovakia. And then she started knitting tourism. And he formed manifesto about knitting because in that time, you had to buy the same yarn and the pattern from the same producer. And she also wanted to get like politics into the knitting. So she went to a publishing company called the Red Rooster, and that they only published it political bookstore. But they didn't want to publish her book about neat things. So she,
yeah, I can kind of imagine. can publish a book about knitting?
Yeah, so she decided to set up her own publishing company called hence, trick, like hen, roaster hen. Oh, and therefore the meeting style was called Hønsestrikk.
Yeah, so the hen The chicken is referring to like a woman. Yeah,
that's my interpretation of it. Yeah. And she printed the first book in 1973. And it was a huge success in Denmark. And it was just I didn't know many other languages than she did like number two, and three, and some other books. And her publishing company did as well published many books, like 70 different books about women and politics and art and stuff.
Oh, cool. So it wasn't all knitting, it was very much focused on the women. But
books was the greatest success. So they like, covered their other books, financially. Because,
yeah, yeah. And what would you say is particularly political about this style of news?
in different ways? The most obvious is that you need political symbols like the peace sign and feminists signs, stuff like that, and also texts with the political messages into your your garment. But also this green wave to say that in English, when you Yeah, ecological like you make to make your own clothes and your own food suit on to have to be a part of the consuming
consumer. Theater consumerism. Yeah,
exactly. Yes. And also, she had a vision, that if you believe in your own creativity, and what you do with your hands, you can, like, take that power and do many other things in different ways in your life. I love that thought.
Yeah. And I think at that time, knitting was not considered a feminist act. I mean, I think like the opposite, like women were moving away from textile chores around the house and stuff. So that must have been a really fresh look on things.
It was a bit controversial in the feminist area.
Actually, yeah, it's also very cost effective, it's good for the environment, because you can use your scraps, you don't have to buy new yarns as well. And you don't have to buy like a kit from a brand, you can just use what you have in the same thickness. Yes. And the fun thing about this is this is early 70s. But all these aspects are so current in this time, a lot of people are mixing like politics with knitting, they are looking at conscious aspects, the choices you make within your knitting. That's actually what I'm doing. And that's why it's so perfect that you're on the show. Now, all these elements of this pin stick, they come together in what I believe is the power of knitting. And it's it's awesome. So how did you pull that to this day and age? What did you do to make it current?
Well, I borrowed this book from the 70s from a friend and I started eating a lot. I was like, obsessed with knitting has a stick for several years. So I posted it on Instagram and shared it and
people reacted to it.
Yeah. And for me, the most important thing is to believe in your creativity and use your hands and I think that's the social part around knitting is important. Yeah, yeah.
And so you you need a love for yourself, maybe your friends and family. At what point did you think they should be a book when this publishing company called me and asked if I wanted to make a book? Wow, that's the dream. Yeah. You were discovered? And you said yes,
I want? Yes. Yes.
Was it hard was the first book you made? Yeah.
This has a story, a love story or ultimate rebellions. It was translated in English. Yes. This was my first one. And it was a lot of work. But it was really fun. All the time, actually. Yeah.
And what kind of patterns did you make for the book cardigans?
And like hot pants? hate love the hug and some mittens and like a cow?
Yeah, yeah.
This this we called fusk-Olle. And it's like a color you put inside your jacket and you see a turtleneck.
Yeah, I think Stephen West calls it a Dickey. So it's a cow. And you have like a piece of fabric on your chest and on your back? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's very good for your warmth. It's very practical. It's a funny looking thing, but it's very, very practical. And it would be even more fun if there's a political message on your Dickie. I'm getting ideas already. And so there's multiple types of patterns in the book. So just say this is a technique that you have to be very Good at knitting or are there also patterns that
are a little bit easy for beginners? It's the patterns is like frames. And then in the last part of the book is like a library with different borders and motifs and stuff. So you can pick your own stuff,
that makes it even better. So it's more of a recipe where you have a basic pattern for like a mitten, and then you go through the back of the book, and then you choose the symbols that you want to use. And the colors. Yeah, that's awesome. One of the showstoppers in the book is a cardigan that has a text on the back, I will paste a picture in the show notes. Can you explain what the text says? Do you know which one I'm talking about? I think so it
It sais
Det är inte mig det är fel på
It's not me that is wrong.
Ha, I love that. I love that. I would be tempted to knit it in Swedish as well. But I don't think it would be very effective here. But it looks really pretty. So there's two books. There's alternate rebellion. That's translated in English. Yeah. Yes. So people will be able to get it. I'll put the link in the show notes. And then there's a stick forever. That's the second one.
Yeah. And it was came for about a month ago. But I know that it's going to be translated in German. Okay, that's
great. I
don't know about English yet. But But I hope so.
Yeah. And that's all send messages to the publisher, and ask for it. And you said you are not sick of it yet? Do you knit new things every time? Do you knit for other people? What is your personal knitting look like I need
for myself and my kids. And then I tried to make new patterns all the time. So it's mostly new patterns I tried to make and
yeah, it's always like taking something that you can use. But you can also use for a new book or a new design or Yeah, so it has multiple functions, you kind of have to think that way with knitting, right? Because it takes so much time. Exactly. And I was also wondering, you have a very wide range of models in the book, which is great. It's very inclusive. You can totally see yourself in one of those patterns. Does it also have different sizes?
Yeah, I tried to make lots of sizes. So the most of the patterns like the cardigans is from extra small to four XL.
Yeah, that's a great range.
Not so much in emittance and emittance. That is maybe two sizes. Yes,
that's really great. And then you didn't sit still. So right after the second book, you are now working on something that I'm having in front of me. It's really, really fun. It's a knitting Xen called smooth Hernan butter rooster. Yeah. Yeah, I need to know more. Or both. Or she can maybe Yeah, yeah. Butter Chicken. Yeah, no,
I had this idea for a while to make something fast and fun. And like you notice we met in politics idea is very nerdy about one specific thing. And then I got a project called Project. Delta manage to do defense in.
Yeah, subsidy.
Yeah. And it had to do with Corona and stuff. So I got the printing covered. And I made it was really fun. And I asked people to send in some text this about the first number is, has the T Mart stocked me up about how to start with anything. And the idea was to focus on the process. Anything, it sounds really boring, but
it doesn't look boring. It looks really fun and colorful and crazy. And it looks amazing.
Thanks. And you can eat your own Corona sweater. I made a pattern for that.
Yeah, that's really fun. It looks like you're the actual virus with boobs and bubbles all over your body. It's really fun. And so the idea of Xen, is that your community bring something together, and then you bring it out. Is that the idea yet?
Yeah. And it's like it nonprofit and magazine for
for us by us something. There's also a little bit of knitting that says, I can translate. It says, Dear alien, I hope you and then I don't know. Sure three of us have.
I hope you will enjoy it here.
And the cool thing is, and I gave us an extra one. So I get to keep one and I get to give one away. So I'll leave the information on how to get it in the show notes. It's really fun. So what would your political message be? Are you the person that is helping other people Spread messages or do you have a particular message yourself?
That's a tricky one. I think my thing is to inspire, I hope to have the courage, like trust their creativity and get feel comfortable with own choices and decisions in the process. Because I think many people are like, anxious, they don't really feel that their own decisions. And choices are good enough.
Yeah, I've seen that too. And owning a niche shop, I've seen a lot of people be insecure about themselves and their skills and the way they look. And it's actually heartbreaking to see how many women struggle with their vision of themselves. I think it's really good for those of us that don't have it as much to support others and cheer them on because it doesn't have to be perfect. We live in a world that is focused on perfectionism. But perfectionism is not bringing us anything. I think the fun is in the process. It's in the learning and in the community learning from each other. And that is, I think, very important to stay connected with other people so that you don't sit in your bubble, expecting like, way too much of yourself. You need people around you that bring you to that level that is more realistic and less overwhelming. We have to be so much and do so much. Why can it not be just fun? So yeah, I totally agree with you. I think we have a lot in common in our history. I also wanted to be fashion designer and decided to go another way. And yeah, you kind of want to doing good in the world doesn't have to be really complicated, right? You can help people find what they love. If people find something that really connects with them, then that's the biggest gifts, especially with a scene it's like extra showing, it doesn't have to be perfect to be fun. Just go for it. There's multiple ways that you could learn a new technique, because obviously, it's not completely for beginners, but there's no reason why you should not try it. Right? Yeah. We were talking about you coming here to teach Actually, this September, you were gonna come here and talk about the technique. And luckily, I now have a podcast then we can still talk about it. Do you teach in Sweden or is it mainly focused on telling people about this fantastic.
have workshops in Austria, in Sweden? Yes. And then I both tell them a story about the start. And then we turn the
try to learn what I and do. Yeah, do people send you pictures of their ancestry bedspreads?
Yeah, sometimes people send me pictures of things they made. Yeah. And what is the biggest cake for you in your work to see what people make? And I can see they have knitted some garment from my book in different colors. And I can recognize some patterns from it. And in a way I never had to come up to myself. So it's like,
yeah, you just provide the butter and flour and they make cakes. Yeah, yeah. And I think it's so funny because I know people that are a little bit starstruck by designers and people that make knitting books and they keep everything they make to themselves. And they're like, No, I'm not gonna show I'm shy. It's exactly what all designers and teachers want is to see what their students and fans make. It's very important to know that communicating about these things is like giving a tip in a restaurant. Sometimes people keep quiet about what they're doing about what they enjoy. And oh, there's the bike messenger. He's coming to pick up the packages. Hello............. There he goes. Alright, so um, where were we? We were talking about design and there's already a second one ready to go out? Is it going to be a series? Are there going to be more than two?
Yeah, I'm planning number three, and the focused on the social part anything like get together and the do's and don'ts the silent rules in lifting you know, so
I want to know more about the silence rules. Can you give me an example?
When is it not okay to meet a for example, like a
That's true, but it's Yeah, funeral or some parties. When you are sitting at the dinner table. It's and for some it is the acrylic pianist. Big No, no. But for me, it's like, but I want to know your point of view in this.
So people can send in their ideas about the silent rules of knitting and social knitting. Yeah, that's, that's cool. We'll leave them the information and where they can send it. Can it be in English? Does it have to be in Swedish? English is fine. Cool. Cool. So what is the Swedish community knitting? Like when there is no Corona? And do you have knitting cafes stitching, bitches Do you? Do you have words for that?
Sometimes when you get to the pub and knit it's the stick Audrey.
Oh, yeah. knitting and drinking.
Yeah. And yeah, it's the thing cafes and yeah. I think also that people have their own informal groups who meets it. That's common,
I think. Yeah. And would you say people come together in like libraries? Or is it more cafes or even shops?
Not so much shops, I think but cafes and restaurants and home?
What do people do now to stay in touch in the knitting community?
It has been some knitting salons. Soon, actually. So.
And often a TMR. You talk about some topic, like the echo dying, or a specific kind of knitting or so. So it sounds really cool.
And who hosts these things?
And the one I used to go for is craft. I don't know what it's called in English craft.
Council, maybe?
Yeah, it's let him say the people who
Yeah, yeah, that I think in Holland, we have the craft Council, but they're not so active in these kinds of things. But they do host online courses and stuff.
Yeah. But we haven't got that locked down in Sweden in the same way as other countries. So we have been able to meet in small groups. Yeah.
Yeah. Have you traveled to other countries where people did for instance, festivals or anything?
I've been to Denmark at knitting festival? Yeah,
I think the Scandinavian knitting is a little bit different in a way that in Holland, we don't have as much of history, we kind of have a little bit of history in the sweaters, or fisherman's ganseys. But that is essentially an English tradition that blew over to the Netherlands. So we have some small things, but it's not really like bow who's knitting and we don't really have that deep connection to it. And when I was in Oslo, it struck me that there's so many modern designers in the whole of Scandinavia, Denmark, Milan's, and then Norway, Sweden. So people do though Ravelry. And they use international patterns. But they're also very fond of their native designers, because there's a lot to choose from. And you can go either traditional or more modern. And in Hollywood, we always have to look over our borders through something else. And I thought it was very interesting to to see that. Do you have any favorites, other designers from your country?
Yeah, I have. Let me see. I like Maya Carlsen. She's a designer and knitting book author. And I also like the vests, transistors. Do you know bottom yet? Yeah, yeah.
Cool. Yeah.
But I also like that boost knitting you mentioned and the southern Sweden is called being Yeah. It's more traditional style, not specific designer,
but it's a style. And it kind of never goes out of style, that tradition, that affection. I love that you can wear something that is in a family for generations. If you know how to take care of your knitwear. Then it can be with you for so long. Yeah. Yeah. I miss Sweden so much.
tomando coronas over.
Yes, I definitely will. I definitely will. So every time I have questions that come back into the podcast, so I have a question. What would you do if you had to choose which you make all your clothes, or buy everything secondhand?
make my own clothes,
even bras or just stop wearing bras? I'm with you.
Choose the hottest I think to make your own choices.
tricky. Choose Yes. No. Luckily, I have a friend that's a shoe maker. And I'm going to invite her to the podcast as well. She's in America, but I'm sure she'd be able to teach me something and I could make like basic slippers. And then it's really thick socks
or clothes, clothes.
Yes. Yeah, you
can make almost anything and was so great if you knitted really tightly you can stay dry from the rain. It's there's no bad weather, just bad clothing, right? So if you had to choose, would you choose Netflix for a free for life or free weekly fruit baskets for life? food
or fruit? Fruit
Netflix, I think, not so much.
I actually I thought of these questions because I wouldn't know how to choose your very Yeah, Netflix by and enjoy your fruits. And then the last one is lots of holidays close to home, or a faraway trip once in a few years.
A lot of holidays close to home, I think.
Yeah. Do you travel? Did
you travel a lot? No, not really. Mostly in work when I work somewhere. I have three kids and it's like expensive to travel far away with kids.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So do you do you get one or where you're knitting? Yeah, they
like hats and mittens and socks. But not the sweaters so much anymore?
Yeah. What What age are they if I may ask?
They are 9, 11 and 12.
almost same as my kids. Yeah, there's this age where they back away from the knitted sweater back away from mommy. She's starting a knit sweater. My son is actually pretty good about it. But he's in high school now. So I don't really want to start because he's getting so big and tall. really tall. That is a lot of work if he doesn't wear it, but I'm sure make him 100 cystic sweater that says I'm a gamer for life. Then you probably like it.
Or this kind of 70s Vest with no arms. I think that they're going to be back in fashion.
You think so? I'm going to hold you to that one. I'm going to say on the set that it was going to go back into what is that Minecraft I'm sure we can knit all the Minecraft things because they're all square. Yeah, I have Minecraft out because I'm really into it. That's his birthday was a while ago. And his friends were there. And I replied to something they were talking about about Pokemon or something. And he said to his friends, yeah, my mother knows a lot about these things. And I was so proud.
That's good. Yeah, but
I think knitting him or Minecraft fest. I'm not sure. I think it might be a bridge too far.
I'll ask him first up our maintenance.
Maybe a pair of mittens. That's a good one. Yes.
do you not want to give up that really doesn't fit in a conscious lifestyle. So something that you know you should be better at but you really don't want to give up?
A bit embarrassing to say but meet actually I'm embarrassing. A little bit a little bit, but I do like it meat.
I gave it up a couple of years ago. And I have to say it's really easy except for the bacon. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I do really miss bacon. So I totally understand like in our family, the boys eat meats, the girls don't and we mix and match the whole thing. So no, not embarrassing at all. Thank you so much for your time and your stories and I'm sure we could talk for another half hour about all these things because this princess trick is something that is totally me. And I have to be honest, I haven't started a project jets. Oh, you have to do that. I know and I will now because especially because you talked about the whole Don't be scared. I'm not scared about it. I just haven't started and but I do have that little bit of thing in me that wants to make this weather with the whole text. I want to make it big right. So maybe I just start with a pair of mittens first and I'll have to think about what it says. Like buy less buy better on my left hand buy this on my right to buy better I'll think about it it's yeah Oh, I forgot one question. Nevermind Oh, nevermind that's actually what the question was. It says nevermind Alistar more here's smaller Hernan Yeah Where did that come from?
You know that's from the parent album with six pistols they said never mind the bollocks here's the Sex Pistols so
that's that's kind of naughty. It's almost like a sort of a fuck you right? Not really. And I like this about the whole thing that it it is really colorful at first sight, but then there's another layer to it. It's a really current theme. I'm sure a lot of people that hear about this are going to be very excited. To start this, and I'll provide them with all the information they need. Thank you so much, Anna.
Thank you for having me.
I hope you love the interview with Anna. I'm very, very inspired to start my project. I'm kind of like stuck in I wanted to be really cool. And I'm just so I don't know what colors it's going to be this whole project and I'm looking, I'm basically I'm just postponing the joy. I think like you have a really nice piece of chocolate and you just want to save it for the best moment. This is what I feel like when it comes to my first hand cystic project. We were going to have on a teach at yovel and obviously that didn't happen but I'm so happy she was my guest here on a podcast. She's been really nice and she sent me one of the smaller Herndon fanzines to give to you people. So you can leave a voice message on the podcast website and let me know what kind of Princess trick message would you knit into your projects? Let me know your messages and I will send one of you the smart Henan fencing. I just love Swedish we this is the best language in the world. You can find an app on an app bower.sp she's also on Instagram, on Bower gbg. So find her find me and enjoy this fun and colorful way to knit
Omdat Anna les zou komen geven bij Ja, Wol had ik al deels een blogpost klaarstaan, dat komt nu goed uit voor de mensen die liever geen Engelse podcast luisteren. Lees hieronder meer over Hönsestrikk en Anna.
Hönsestrikk, vrij vertaald 'Kipjes Breien' maar eerder ‘Breien voor Chikies’ (eigenzinnige vrouwen) is een tot cult-verklaarde manier om patronen creatief en met heel weinig kosten te breien. Het begon in Denemarken in de jaren zeventig, toen het boek Hønsestrik van Kirsten Hofstetter een hit werd mede door haar anarchistische en politieke insteek. Een eigenwijze, feministische stijl die er kleurrijk en vrolijk uitziet, maar ondertussen verborgen boodschappen verhuld in symbolen bevat. Deze manier van breien is trouwens ook nog eens fantastisch om je restjes op te maken.
De stijl, vernoemd naar het boek, werd een concept dat zijn eigen leven ging leiden en verspreidt zich nu opnieuw als een lopend vuurtje binnen de guerrillatraditie en onder brei(st)ers die van kleuren en patronen houden. Het past Ja, Wol als een kleurige want; eigenwijs, met een mening, goed voor mens en milieu en met gevoel voor humor. Ik had het zelf kunnen bedenken… daarbij is dit ook nog eens mijn favoriete techniek. Helemaal mijn dingetje zeg maar. ;-)
Het boek van Anna Bauer is een eerbetoon aan zowel het 'Breien voor Chickies’ als de wens van de vrije geest - om erachter te komen wat je wilt en op je eigen manier te breien met je favoriete kleuren.
Met eenvoudige en duidelijke beschrijvingen van een aantal basismodellen, kan je je kledingstuk zelf samenstellen met ontwerpen uit alle patroonbladen van het boek. Er zijn zowel grotere als kleinere projecten, zoals een vest, trui, mutsen, wanten en een poncho, en in veel van de beschrijvingen gebruik je je eigen afmetingen.
Breien kan zoveel zijn: een politieke houding, ontspanning, ‘community’ gevoel en niet in de laatste plaats een adembenemende reis in je eigen creatieve ruimte. Laat de reis beginnen.
Chickie breien! Hell yeah!
[Anna Bauer is een Zweedse textielkunstenaar en ambachtspersoon, ze werkt graag op groot formaat maar niet altijd, met mixed media maar vaak met textiel als basis. Op dit moment werkt ze vooral met borduurwerk en linoleumafdrukken.]
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1 comment
What a wonderful podcast!!! I am a knitwear designer and historian. Co-Author of The Sweater, A History. I am planning a trip to the Nordic countries in October 2023 and wanted to connect with knitters, designers and continue my search for knowledge and relationships in all things knitting and textiles. I would love to connect with Anna Bauer while in Sweden but cannot find an email address or locate a city. Does she have a studio somewhere to visit? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your podcast!