Our Mission

At Ja, Wol we know you want to change the world and that you wish you’d have more time to learn how. You are just one person, a crafter, a maker, an solo-preneur. You do what you can. But your heart bleeds for the state our world is in. It pisses you off!

We have created a space and some tools that helps you cut through the clutter and the noise on the web. We give you less to focus on, in easier to digest bits so you can put what you learn into immediate action and become part of the solution.

We guide crafters to make and curate their Dream Conscious Wardrobe that fits their shape, style and values. We help business owners to create a healthy Sustainable Business for their customers and themselves. 

At Ja, Wol we unify consumers and businesses around this common mission because we believe politics work in short term cycles but businesses and communities can transform societies. We believe in the Kindness Economy.

The combined knowledge and accountability of a community has the power to change the world, one stitch at a time.


Boycot Fast Fashion; take the needle(s) into your own hands!