Rauma Garn
Rauma is one of those extremely aesthetic Nordic knitwear brands. You know the ones? They’re the kind of company whose products are so beautiful and fashionable that they can advertise their yarns with literal used cardboard boxes in the background (see à) and you still desperately want to work with what they’re selling. But artful and inventive advertising techniques aside, Rauma is a remarkable company: they boast an impressive range of high quality, locally sourced yarns that we can’t get enough of.
Rauma Garn is part of the Rauma wool factory, which can be found on the outlet of the Rauma river at Veblungsnes, Norway. Rauma have been processing yarns at this very spot since 1927, when the company was just three employees and a simple textile machine. Fast forward through serious bomb damage during World War II and an extensive factory upgrade in the 1970s and today the Rauma wool factory is an important part of our living European textile heritage. From wool blending to carding and spinning to dyeing, Rauma has the knowledge and the capacity to do it all in-house, under the one roof.
Rauma specialises in Norwegian wool. Norwegian wool is among the world’s most environmentally friendly textile fibres because of the cool climates that the Norwegian sheep live in. Unlike sheep from hotter and dryer parts of the world, Norwegian sheep feed on luscious green grasses, flowers and herbs and face less bacteria and pesticide problems, which reduces the need for dipping their fleeces in strong chemicals. This fresh and healthy sheepy lifestyle produces wool fibre that is strong, light and hardwearing. And all this means that Rauma’s 100% Norwegian yarn qualifies for the Nordic-based ‘Swan’ eco-label, which means you can be assured of Rauma’s focus on low impact production chains and sustainable resourcing.
Here at Ja Wol, one of our all-time favourite yarns is Rauma’s Finull Pt2. Finull Pt2 is made from that magical 100% Norwegian made yarn we just told you about. It is grown, washed, carded, twined, spun and dyed in Norway. And if all that environmentally friendly goodness isn’t enough for you, Finull Pt 2 comes in 136 amazing colours!! Imagine a rainbow from left to right with a full fade of each shade from top to bottom and you’ll be getting close envisaging the colour choice available with this yarn. It’s breathtaking. For us at Ja Wol, it’s a wonderful yarn to have around because we can ALWAYS satisfy the colour dreams of our customers while ensuring they also get a quality product that is good for the earth! We love Rauma yarns for sweaters, mittens and shawls and for featuring textured knitting, such as cables and colour-work and we can’t wait to see what you knit with it!
Written for Ja Wol with information sourced from raumagarn.no and visitnorway.com.
Photos sourced from raumagarn.no and Rauma’s Instagram, @raumagarn.
Free patterns for Finull Pt2 can be found here they will be in Norwegian, but a nifty knitter will understand the international language of stitches. ;-)