#36 - Lia Weitzel -our reporter down under- answers 'Can you incorporate trends in a conscious wardrobe?'

 Lia Weitzel - reporter down undah - for A Smaller Life podcast


In this episode, you’ll hear from Lia, our Reporter Down Undah.

Lia is actually a friend. She used to work at the Yarnshop I had; Ja, Wol but returned to home in Sydney Australia. Lia is an indigenous ileteracy educator, a singer, a knitter and overal smart cookie. We love talking about the weather in our countries, politics, sustainability and... knitting.


NEWS FLASH when you  Become a Patron! and I reach 10 in total, I will subscribe to a paid service so I can add transcriptions to the shownotes again and make the podcast more accessible to more people. 



quote art from 'A Smaller Life' podcast with Lia Weitzel



The topic we focussed on this time is 🥁 TRENDS and how trend find their place into your conscious wardrobe.

We talk about following designers and trends in the knitting space and about test knitting.


Test knitting is the practice of testing a pattern from a designer so it can get tweaked, approved and published. Test knitters sometimes get paid for their work and sometimes they are a fan of the designer and just love supporting them. This is a topic on it's own, if you want me to talk about it in an episode, let me know. 👉 click on the voice message button.


Lia has focussed on just knitting for herself for a year, filling the gaps in her wardrobe and as is now ready to knit for others again she is really enjoying it.


TRENDS insights we had

  1. Crochet in knitting publications, not just amigurimis, more crocheted garments are entering the knitting space

  2. the Scandi/Scando look for babies (and adults) is still going strong

  3. Always keep room for crazy colors and specific styles. Own your own style!


quote art from 'A Smaller Life' podcast with Lia Weitzel


The shop where Lia works: Skein Sisters www.skeinsisters.com.au

The Reporter from down Undah Look:



Australian Yarn Weights


Danish 'Scando' Baby trend


French knit animal designer Cinthia Vallet


go to the interview I did with Cinthia https://www.ja-wol.com/blogs/podcast/17 

Colorful designs by Stephen West


My cardigan in Ovis et Cetera dk shetland (caramel) https://ovisetcetera.com/collections/dk-weight/products/shetland-dk-unicum-100-gram is the Perfin jacket https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/perfin

Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/baby-surprise-jacket

Winter's beach by Andrea Mowry https://www.dreareneeknits.com/shop/winters-beach-cardi

Here's another cabled cardigan, with easy cables https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/khanyisa

The Aussie shoes I was talking about https://blundstone.nl/

Can crochet be done by machines? Read this blogpost by Julia https://littleworldofwhimsy.com/are-there-crochet-machines-i-asked-an-expert/


quote art from 'A Smaller Life' podcast with Lia Weitzel

disclaimer: we mention brands and designs in a conversation. These will not all be sustainable or fit our personal values, they were mentioned as part of a conversation.







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quote art from 'A Smaller Life' podcast with Lia Weitzel


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